Empress Intrinsic Brand Fungicide

Empress® Intrinsic® Brand Fungicide

Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide protects from major root diseases when allied at propagation, transplant, and growth to maturity stages of greenhouse and nursery production, resulting in healthy, high-quality plants.

Benefits of Empress® Intrinsic® Brand Fungicide

  • Outstanding control of soil-borne diseases
  • Enhanced root growth
  • Consistent performance
  • Readily fits disease-resistance management programs

Key Diseases Controlled

Crown, root and soilborne diseases caused by:

  • Fusarium spp.
  • Phytophthora spp.
  • Pythium spp.
  • Rhizoctonia spp.

Proven Plant Health Benefits

Empress Intrinsic brand fungicide delivers research-proven plant health benefits, including healthy, dense root growth and greater tolerance to stressors, keys to the production of healthy, quality plants. Learn more about the advantages of the innovative line of Intrinsic brand fungicides.

Use Sites

  • Greenhouses
  • Forest and conifer nurseries
  • Lathhouses and shadehouses
  • Interiorscapes
  • Outdoor nurseries (field and container)
  • Retail nurseries

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